Student Support & Services

Career Advising

Career placement after graduation is an effort of Student Services. Students are encouraged to check with Student Services regarding career resources.


The Millard College utilizes Populi for all academic programming and record management.


The Registrar’s office provides services to students concerning student records, registration, transcripts, graduation, and transfer. For more information, please get in touch with the Registrar’s office.
Phone (606) 644-3829

Academic Assistance

TMC has tutors and peers available to help students who are struggling or who desire additional instruction. Instructors will refer to the tutors students whose academic progress is unsatisfactory. The Tutoring Center will reach out via Populi to make known what services may be available to the student. The Tutoring Center is also available to help any student with assignments. Additionally, TMC operates a Writing Center, to which students may submit their writing--whether assignments or professional writing, such as a resume--for review and suggestions. The mission of the writing and tutoring centers is not to improve students’ performance on a specific assignment but to expand their academic skill set and strengthen their overall performance.

Disability Services

The Millard College adheres to the definition of “students with disabilities” found in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Public Law 93-122). Section 504 defines a person with disabilities as anyone with a physical or mental disability that substantially impairs or restricts one or more of such major life activities as walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, working, or learning. A person with a disability is someone who: has a physical or mental impairment; has a record of such impairment; and/or is regarded as having such impairment. To be an otherwise qualified student with a disability, these individuals must meet the academic and technical standards and perform all essential functions requisite for admission, participation, and continuation in the institutional programs and activities.

Under Section 504, institutions must make appropriate and reasonable adjustments for students with disabilities to ensure accessibility to academic activities (courses and examinations) and nonacademic activities (admissions and recruitment, admission to programs, academic adjustments, housing, financial assistance, physical education, athletics, and counseling). In order to be granted protection under Section 504, students must self-identify to the college, provide current and comprehensive documentation concerning the nature and extent of the disability, and articulate their needs for the disabilities service provided on campus.

The Millard College is not required to provide the best or most desired accommodation but rather accommodation sufficient to enable these persons to enjoy equal opportunity and access. Reasonable accommodations will be provided for qualified individuals with disabilities to the extent these modifications do not: 1) result in a fundamental alteration of the service, program, or activity or; 2) result in undue financial, administrative or academic burden; or 3) result in a direct threat to the health or safety of the person or other individuals.

Qualified persons with disabilities are responsible for providing to the Director of Student Services with documentation that identifies their specific disability. Documentation submitted should not be more than three years old. Students with disabilities must make timely requests for accommodations so the Director of Student Services has reasonable time to review the request and coordinate accommodations. Requests which will require modifications to existing residential facilities must be made 90 days prior to the beginning of a semester. Untimely requests, those made in less than 90 days before a semester, may result in delay, substitution, or denial of accommodations.

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